Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Installing Fold & Basic

How are you connecting to my bank account and accessing my banking data?
Are all bank accounts supported? I am unable to connect my bank account.
Can I download Fold as an NRI? If yes, from which regions?
Is Fold going to be free forever?

2. Supported Banks & Data Sources

I can’t see my joint account while discovering bank accounts.
Does Fold only supports Indian banks or any other foreign banks as well?
Fold has plans to add different types of investment tracking? Like Mutual Funds, Fixed Deposits, Recurring Deposits etc.
Does Fold support tracking credit card transactions? Can I connect my credit cards on Fold?
Do Fold support export of financial data from Fold in a Excel, PDF or CSV?
My bank account is not supported by Fold? When will Fold add support for my bank?

3. Features

How do we tag and perform bulk actions on multiple transactions at once?
How do I link more bank accounts, credit cards or investment accounts?
Why are some features missing from Android whereas it's available on iOS and Web and vice versa?
Can I add my family members accounts and track them?
Can I add the Lock to the Fold app and keep it safe from others access?
How can I update my email or mobile linked to my Fold Account?
Do Fold support any integrations with other 3rd party apps like Splitwise etc?
Do Fold support importing existing financial data (CSV, PDF files)?

4. Credit Card Tracking

Are all credit cards supported and tracked on Fold?
How do you fetch my credit card related data and is it secure?
My card is not supported? When will you add support for more cards?
Are there any other known issues, are all transactions supported?

5. Investments Tracking

How do you fetch my investment data and is it secure?
Which investments are supported? Can I track my mutual funds also on Fold?
Are all demat accounts supported? Why isn't my HUF/joint demat account being discovered?
Can I link demat account of my family members to Fold?
Can I see the stocks I bought from brokers like Zerodha/Groww/Dhan/Upstox etc?
When will support for Mutual Funds, PPF/EPF, ULIPs, NPS, ETFs, InvITs, REITs, Bonds/Debentures be available?
How frequently is my investment data updated?
I bought a stock but it is not visible in Fold.
I can't see my investment amount, gain, and loss details.
What is LTP?
Can I also trade or invest using Fold?
I would like to request a new feature. How can I share feedback and submit a feature request?

6. Miscellaneous

Is Fold a free app? Is it going to free forever?
Where can I follow Fold updates & App release notes?
Is there any public roadmap available to check and vote?
Will I need to pay for platform wise or one payment to access my Fold account on all platforms (iOS, Android and Web)?
Any Payment features are planned to directly add in Fold itself? (Ex: UPI, Wallet)?
Can I export all my data from Fold in a Excel, CSV or other formats?
Where do I report bugs & feedback?

7. Privacy & deleting your account

What is my data used for? How long do you store my data?
Can the Account Aggregator view my data? How is my data kept secure?
Can I delete all my data?
Why does my balance/transactions do not match with my bank app?
Why are some of my transactions missing?
Can I delete my Fold account or reset all my data and start fresh again with the same Fold account/number?
Do I lose all my data if I unlink the bank or uninstall/reset the app?

8. Related Pages

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